Proficiency Testing Schemes


Participation in interlaboratory test comparisons is a tool that testing laboratories can use with different objectives, such as evaluating the skills of the personnel, the characteristics of test methods, assigning values ​​to reference materials and, of course, demonstrating the reliability of the data they produce by the participation in proficiency testing schemes.

The confidence that a testing laboratory systematically produce reliable results is paramount for the users of its services and, therefore, accreditation bodies expect a regular and satisfactory participation in proficiency testing schemes. In this sense, ISO / IEC 17025 establishes that laboratories must participate in proficiency testing schemes, as long as there are adequate programs.

The use of accredited proficency testing schemes providers  brings great advantages to laboratories, being the most relevant that when carrying out the assessment by expert professionals with demonstrated competence, it contributes to significantly increase the level of confidence in the results.

ielab is accredited by ENAC, with accreditation no. 2 / PPI007 for organizing proficiency testing schemes based on the ISO/IEC 17043 standard.